The summer is coming soon to the end and outside it is already smelling like autumn. In our garden a pumpkin is stretching widely, very widely. Only one plant it should have been- a Hokkaido pumpkin. Now it is growing and growing and already is filling the whole greenhouse.
Acht kleine Kürbisse hat sie hervorgebracht. Wir freuen uns auf reichlich Kürbissuppe.
It has produced eight little pumpkins. We are looking forward to a lot of pumpkin soup.
Innen wird es unserer Riesenpflanze langsam zu eng. Nun guckt sie neugierig aus dem Dachfenster.
Inside the glass house slowly it becomes to small for our giant plant. Now it is looking curious out of the window at the top of the roof.
Mein lieber Mann hat wirklich einen grünen Daumen.
My dear husband has really a green thumb.